Haringey has lowest Tenant Satisfaction levels in London, new data shows

New authoritative statistics released by the Regulator for Social Housing have shown that Haringey has the joint lowest tenant satisfaction of any London local authority, and the joint third lowest of any local authority nationally. If all 354 registered providers of social housing are included, Haringey has the joint seventh lowest scores. What’s more, Haringey’s housing staff have now been on strike for over a month (a period not covered by the statistics), so satisfaction is likely to have fallen further.
Just 47.2% of tenants report being satisfied with Haringey’s services as a landlord, falling to just 17.1% who are satisfied with the council’s complaints handling. The median score for local authorities in England for overall satisfaction is 68.2%.
This comes on the back of several scathing reports released last year on the state of the service, including the Housing Ombudsman criticising “a culture of apathy and acceptance of poor practice”; “unreasonable delays in the landlord’s response to reports of disrepair”; and “clear evidence of service failure”; and the Social Housing Regulator revealing the council “put thousands of tenants at potential risk by failing to meet health and safety requirements for fire and electrical safety”.
Tenant Satisfactions Measures are collected by landlords according to requirements set by the regulator and include information from tenant surveys covering every landlord owning 1,000 or more units of social housing.
Cllr Dawn Barnes, Haringey Liberal Democrats’ Opposition Spokesperson on Housing, said:
“After two years of hollow promises from the council’s leadership about improving conditions for tenants, it is deeply disappointing to see how little progress has been made. Despite claiming to have made this a priority, the Labour-run council has not got close to turning around this failing service.
“Lib Dem councillors continue to see issues related to poor repairs or repairs not being carried out, bad communication and tenants feeling like they have to put in complaints and even go to the ombudsman for resolution, so whilst these figures are shocking, they are not unsurprising.”